
Hi my name is Debbie however everybody calls me Dollz. I obtained my Diploma in makeup in 2014 and then completed my Beauty therapy and received my Diploma in 2015. I moved to Melbourne straight after that and started work at Benefit cosmetics where I learnt the art of eyebrows. Whether you require eyebrow mapping, eyebrow rehab, shaping, tinting or styling. I’m your gurl. Then moved on to Chanel and Dior where I learnt the art of makeup artistry. I also gained knowledge on skincare and became a skincare expert which entailed presenting at private events. I moved on to laser next where I learnt all about aesthetics facials as peels,dermaplaning, medifacials, microdermabrasions,micro needling, LED Light therapy and Oxygen facials. My passion revolves around eyebrows, facials and massages. I have the experience and believe that I can enable your inner beauty and confidence to be radiating after completing our treatment’s.